Fathers Rights Initiative related to Fathers Rights

These family law posts are provided by Fathers Rights Initiative and are often representative of the types of matters on which Fathers Rights Initiative provides assistance.

Divorce Lawyer

Divorce Information For Fathers
Child Support

Child Custody Rights for Fathers

Fathers have every right to have custody of their children, just as much as mothers do, whether that be sole custody, joint custody or …

Child Custody Rights for Fathers

Fathers have every right to have custody of their children, just as much as mothers do, whether that be sole custody, joint custody or

It is possible for Fathers in Texas to have custody rights.   Furthermore, it is also possible for Fathers in Texas to have sole custody of their child or children. If you are a father that is going through a divorce, you will have to figure out custody with your spouse.

Many people get custody mixed up with parenting time. Parenting time is essentially the time a child spends in the care of the parent. Each parent should have parenting time with their children. Additionally, one of the parents is typically deemed to be the primary custodian or primary custodial parent.

The primary custodial parent is the parent who typically has rights and responsibilities to make decisions and take actions regarding the child that transcends day-to-day parenting time. This includes such things as medical care, education, legal and more. For example, decisions regarding the school your child attends, whether your child does in-school or home classes, and much more fall on the shoulders of the primary custodial parent. In Texas, this is called conservatorship.

Modification the a term used for modifying the custody or the parenting plan. Enforcement is the process of having the judge punish a party for failing to comply with an existing custody order. Enforcement typically involves a fine, probation, jail time, or a combination of these.

Custody Rights for Fathers
Child Custody

During a divorce or separation, the parent should determine what percent of the time the children will spend with each parent.  Furthermore, many other important decisions will have to be made regarding the welfare of the children. All of these decisions should be based on what is best for the children, not what the parents want for themselves, and not based on the parent’s gender.

It is important for fathers in Texas to know that courts are not to make the custody decision based on the gender of the parent.  This is known as gender bias. The Equal Rights Amendment of 1973 states that gender cannot be used as a basis for granting child custody.  Moreover, it is essential that you are fully aware of what your rights are as a father in Texas.

Types of Child Custody Arrangements in Texas

In order to fully understand how custody works in Texas, it is essential to know what types of custody exist. The three types of custody are legal, physical, and by arrangement.

Legal custody has to do with parents making the right choices for their children regarding education, health, and religion.  The courts in Texas are in favor of joint legal custody.  Joint legal custody means that both parents will be involved in the children’s life. Furthermore, parents will have to work together for the best interest of the children.

Child Custody in Texas

Another term to understand is physical custody.  Physical custody refers to where the children spend the majority of their time.

If you are able to come to an agreement with the other parent on custody, you may come to a custody agreement that you both agree with to have the court order based on.  However, if you are unable to come to decisions on your own, the court will determine what is best.

Protect your children’s ability to have a loving relationship with you. Situations involving custody of a child can be legally complex and emotionally devastating, Fathers Rights can help.  Text or call today to get the help you need.

Read More Posted: 1-10-2022

Parental Alienation

Fathers Respond to Parental Alienation

Fathers often suffer from Parental Alienation that is a result of the mother bombarding the child with negative images and words about their father.  This results in a loss of the child-father relationship and is a form of psychological child abuse.

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Posted: 6-6-2018

Child Custody

La Custodia del Padre y los Derechos de Visita

Muchos piensan que las visitas de los niños y la custodia de los hijos giran en torno a los derechos de la madre y que los derechos de los padres son una preocupación secundaria. Los derechos de visita de los padres son fundamentales para el niño y su capacidad para vivir una vida sana y feliz. Cuando se negó la visita de un padre …

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Posted: 4-27-2018

Parental Alienation

Child Custody

Fathers Custody and Visitation Rights

Many think that child visitation and child custody revolve around the rights of the mother and that the fathers rights are a secondary concern.  Fathers visitation rights are critical to the child and their ability to live a healthy and happy life.   When a fathers visitation has been denied…

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Posted: 4-3-2018

Pro Bono Lawyer

Fathers Rights

What Are Fathers Rights And How To Protect Yours

Given the high rate of separated or unwed male parents who desire direct involvement in their children’s lives, fathers rights are finally a topic of discussion. An attorney well versed in fathers’ rights can address and strategize regarding a father’s entitlement.

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Posted: 3-5-2018

Pro Bono Lawyer

¿Qué Esperar de un Abogado Pro Bono?

¿Cuántos padres enfrentan situaciones legales difíciles y no están seguros de a quién recurrir? Un padre preocupado por mantener su relación con sus hijos puede encontrar que una consulta con un abogado pro bono es el mejor lugar para comenzar.

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Posted: 3-5-2018

Pro Bono Lawyer

Fathers Rights

¿Qué son los Derechos de los Padres y Cómo Proteger los Tuyos?

Dado el alto índice de padres varones separados o solteros que desean una participación directa en la vida de sus hijos, los derechos de los padres finalmente son un tema de discusión. Un abogado versado en los derechos de los padres puede abordar y diseñar estrategias con respecto a los derechos de un padre. Read More

Posted: 12-27-2017

Pro Bono Lawyer

What To Expect From a Pro Bono Lawyer?

Many fathers facing difficult legal situations and unsure where to turn for help? A father worried about maintaining his relationship with his children may find a consultation with a pro bono lawyer is the best place to start.

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Posted: 12-18-2017

Houston Fathers Rights Attorneys

Abogados de derechos de padres de Houston

niño con otro hombre en Texas

child with another man in Texas

Visitation in Texas



parental alienation

parental alienation

minimize attorney's fees in a divorce

minimizar los honorarios de abogado en un divorcio

Padres que trabajan por su cuenta

Self-Employed Fathers

Movimiento de los derechos de los padres

Fathers Rights Movement

Paternity in Texas

Terminate Child Support in Texas

Terminate Child Support in Texas

Padres solteros en Texas

Unmarried fathers in Texas

Los derechos de los padres antes del nacimiento

Fathers' Rights Before Birth

What Are Fathers Rights Before Birth and Abortion in Texas?

Before your child is born, you have parental rights. Unfortunately, they may be limited, especially with regard to abortion in Texas. The more you know about fathers’ rights before birth and abortion, the better able you will be to defend those rights.

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Posted: 8-21-2017

Malicious Mother Syndrome

Malicious Mother Syndrome

Fathers in Texas Should Know About Malicious Mother Syndrome

Some separations and divorces are amicable, with the ex-spouses getting along well enough to continue raising their children within the terms of a parenting plan. Others don’t get along very well, but they continue to make efforts to provide healthy homes for their kids.

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Posted: 8-16-2017

Fathers Rights to School Records

Fathers Rights to School Records

What Are a Father’s Rights to School Records in Texas?

As a father, you have full rights to your child, including the right to access and review school records in Texas. Many divorced fathers mistakenly believe that they need a court order or other “papers” that allow them to participate in their child’s education.

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Posted: 8-9-2017

Fin de la manutención infantil en Texas

¿Cuándo Termina la Manutención Infantil en Texas?

La mayoría de los padres están felices de asumir la responsabilidad de apoyar a sus hijos. Sin embargo, la carga es costosa, lo que lleva a los padres a preguntarse: “¿Cuándo termina la manutención infantil en Texas?”

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Posted: 7-23-2017

Child Support End in Texas

When Does Child Support End in Texas?

Most parents are happy to take on the responsibility of supporting their children. However, the burden is an expensive one, which leads parents to wonder, “When does child support end in Texas?”

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Posted: 7-23-2017

work and family life

work and family life



Adjudicate Parentage

Adjudicate Parentage in Texas

Understanding Father's rights

Adjudicate Parentage Proceedings

Texas Adjudicate Parentage Proceedings

What Is an Adjudicate Parentage in Texas?  Usually, it is pretty clear who a child’s parents are – but not always. Sometimes, it takes a court to make the final determination of the identity of one of a child’s parents. Read More

Posted: 2-21-2017



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Fathers Rights Initiative
can be contacted by
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