Fathers Rights Initiative related to Fathers Rights

These family law articles are provided by Fathers Rights and are often representative of the types of matters on which Fathers Rights provides assistance.

Divorce Information For Fathers
Child Support Myths

Child Support
Fathers Right Attorney

How to Hire a Fathers Rights Attorney

Knowing how to hire a Fathers Rights Attorney is critical to having a positive outcome in your case. First, you need to make sure they have the expertise and commitment related to Fathers Rights issues. Are they going to advocate for you and your children? Are they committed to helping you get as must time as possible with your children or helping you become the custodial parent?

Where can I find help?

Fathers Rights is operated by America Family Law Center. We work closely with the attorneys at America Family Law Center to advocate for fathers. America Family Law Center understands the importance of a father in the life of their children.

Fathers Rights can help you determine if seeking a reduction in your child support could be considered.  Don’t get further in debt by not taking action. Call or text today.

Posted: 6-8-2021

alienación de los padres

Los padres responden a la alienación de los padres

Los padres a menudo sufren de Alienación de los padres que es el resultado de que la madre bombardea al niño con imágenes negativas y palabras sobre su padre. Esto resulta en una pérdida de la relación padre-hijo y es una forma de abuso psicológico infantil.

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Posted: 6-6-2018

Parental Alienation

Fathers Respond to Parental Alienation

Fathers often suffer from Parental Alienation that is a result of the mother bombarding the child with negative images and words about their father.  This results in a loss of the child-father relationship and is a form of psychological child abuse.

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Posted: 6-6-2018

Parental Alienation

Fathers Rights

What Are Fathers Rights And How To Protect Yours

Given the high rate of separated or unwed male parents who desire direct involvement in their children’s lives, fathers rights are finally a topic of discussion. An attorney well versed in fathers’ rights can address and strategize regarding a father’s entitlement.

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Posted: 3-5-2018

Fathers Rights

¿Qué son los Derechos de los Padres y Cómo Proteger los Tuyos?

Dado el alto índice de padres varones separados o solteros que desean una participación directa en la vida de sus hijos, los derechos de los padres finalmente son un tema de discusión. Un abogado versado en los derechos de los padres puede abordar y diseñar estrategias con respecto a los derechos de un padre. Read More

Posted: 12-27-2017

Houston Fathers Rights Attorneys


parental alienation

Fathers Rights Movement

Fathers' Rights Before Birth

What Are Fathers Rights Before Birth and Abortion in Texas?

Before your child is born, you have parental rights. Unfortunately, they may be limited, especially with regard to abortion in Texas. The more you know about fathers’ rights before birth and abortion, the better able you will be to defend those rights.

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Posted: 8-21-2017

Malicious Mother Syndrome

Fathers in Texas Should Know About Malicious Mother Syndrome

Some separations and divorces are amicable, with the ex-spouses getting along well enough to continue raising their children within the terms of a parenting plan. Others don’t get along very well, but they continue to make efforts to provide healthy homes for their kids.

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Posted: 8-16-2017

Fathers Rights to School Records

What Are a Father’s Rights to School Records in Texas?

As a father, you have full rights to your child, including the right to access and review school records in Texas. Many divorced fathers mistakenly believe that they need a court order or other “papers” that allow them to participate in their child’s education.

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Posted: 8-9-2017

Understanding Father's rights

Deportado en Texas

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Fathers Rights Initiative
can be contacted by
phone or text at 214-238-9200
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