Fathers Rights Initiative related to Visitation Enforcement

These family law posts are provided by Fathers Rights Initiative and are often representative of the types of matters on which Fathers Rights Initiative provides assistance.

Child Custody

La Custodia del Padre y los Derechos de Visita

Muchos piensan que las visitas de los niños y la custodia de los hijos giran en torno a los derechos de la madre y que los derechos de los padres son una preocupación secundaria. Los derechos de visita de los padres son fundamentales para el niño y su capacidad para vivir una vida sana y feliz. Cuando se negó la visita de un padre …

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Posted: 4-27-2018

Child Custody

Fathers Custody and Visitation Rights

Many think that child visitation and child custody revolve around the rights of the mother and that the fathers rights are a secondary concern.  Fathers visitation rights are critical to the child and their ability to live a healthy and happy life.   When a fathers visitation has been denied…

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Posted: 4-3-2018

Visitación en Texas

Visitation in Texas

Visitation rights

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