Abilene, Texas
Amarillo, Texas
Austin, Texas
Beaumont, Texas
Corpus Christi, Texas
Dallas, Texas
El Paso, Texas
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Longview, Texas
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McAllen, Texas
Midland, Texas
San Angelo, Texas
San Antonio, Texas
Wichita Falls, Texas
Fathers Rights Initiative related to Rid of Back Child Support in Texas
These family law posts are provided by Fathers Rights Initiative and are often representative of the types of matters on which Fathers Rights Initiative provides assistance.
¿Cómo me Deshago de la Manutención de Menores en Texas?
A nadie le gusta estar en deuda, y estar atrasado en la manutención de niños en Texas puede ser particularmente grave. Esto se debe a que el estado puede tomar medidas para cobrar la manutención infantil en Texas, lo que puede incluir tomar cheques de pago y confiscar el dinero en cuentas bancarias.
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Posted: 9-16-2017How Do I Get Rid of Back Child Support in Texas?
No one likes to be in debt, and being behind on child support in Texas can be particularly serious. That’s because the state can take steps to collect back child support in Texas that may include taking paychecks and seizing the money in bank accounts.
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Posted: 9-16-2017English | Español
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