Fathers Rights Initiative related to Fathers Rights in Texas

These family law posts are provided by Fathers Rights Initiative and are often representative of the types of matters on which Fathers Rights Initiative provides assistance.

Child Custody

La Custodia del Padre y los Derechos de Visita

Muchos piensan que las visitas de los niños y la custodia de los hijos giran en torno a los derechos de la madre y que los derechos de los padres son una preocupación secundaria. Los derechos de visita de los padres son fundamentales para el niño y su capacidad para vivir una vida sana y feliz. Cuando se negó la visita de un padre …

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Posted: 4-27-2018

Child Custody

Fathers Custody and Visitation Rights

Many think that child visitation and child custody revolve around the rights of the mother and that the fathers rights are a secondary concern.  Fathers visitation rights are critical to the child and their ability to live a healthy and happy life.   When a fathers visitation has been denied…

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Posted: 4-3-2018

Pro Bono Lawyer

Fathers Rights

What Are Fathers Rights And How To Protect Yours

Given the high rate of separated or unwed male parents who desire direct involvement in their children’s lives, fathers rights are finally a topic of discussion. An attorney well versed in fathers’ rights can address and strategize regarding a father’s entitlement.

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Posted: 3-5-2018

Pro Bono Lawyer

¿Qué Esperar de un Abogado Pro Bono?

¿Cuántos padres enfrentan situaciones legales difíciles y no están seguros de a quién recurrir? Un padre preocupado por mantener su relación con sus hijos puede encontrar que una consulta con un abogado pro bono es el mejor lugar para comenzar.

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Posted: 3-5-2018

Pro Bono Lawyer

Fathers Rights

¿Qué son los Derechos de los Padres y Cómo Proteger los Tuyos?

Dado el alto índice de padres varones separados o solteros que desean una participación directa en la vida de sus hijos, los derechos de los padres finalmente son un tema de discusión. Un abogado versado en los derechos de los padres puede abordar y diseñar estrategias con respecto a los derechos de un padre. Read More

Posted: 12-27-2017

Pro Bono Lawyer

What To Expect From a Pro Bono Lawyer?

Many fathers facing difficult legal situations and unsure where to turn for help? A father worried about maintaining his relationship with his children may find a consultation with a pro bono lawyer is the best place to start.

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Posted: 12-18-2017

Houston Fathers Rights Attorneys

Movimiento de los derechos de los padres

Fathers Rights Movement

Unmarried fathers in Texas

Los derechos de los padres antes del nacimiento

Fathers' Rights Before Birth

What Are Fathers Rights Before Birth and Abortion in Texas?

Before your child is born, you have parental rights. Unfortunately, they may be limited, especially with regard to abortion in Texas. The more you know about fathers’ rights before birth and abortion, the better able you will be to defend those rights.

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Posted: 8-21-2017

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Fathers Rights Initiative
can be contacted by
phone or text at 214-238-9200
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