Fathers Rights Initiative related to Child Support in Texas

These family law posts are provided by Fathers Rights Initiative and are often representative of the types of matters on which Fathers Rights Initiative provides assistance.

Child Support
Fathers Right Attorney

How to Hire a Fathers Rights Attorney

Knowing how to hire a Fathers Rights Attorney is critical to having a positive outcome in your case. First, you need to make sure they have the expertise and commitment related to Fathers Rights issues. Are they going to advocate for you and your children? Are they committed to helping you get as must time as possible with your children or helping you become the custodial parent?

Where can I find help?

Fathers Rights is operated by America Family Law Center. We work closely with the attorneys at America Family Law Center to advocate for fathers. America Family Law Center understands the importance of a father in the life of their children.

Fathers Rights can help you determine if seeking a reduction in your child support could be considered.  Don’t get further in debt by not taking action. Call or text today.

Posted: 6-8-2021

legal issue in divorce

¿Debo Obtener un Divorcio?

Cree que te diriges al divorcio, debes entender los asuntos legales en el divorcio. Un buen asesoramiento legal le permitirá garantizar sus derechos …..

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Posted: 4-30-2018

legal issue in divorce

Should I Get a Divorce?

Believe you’re heading for divorce you must understand the legal issues in divorce. Good legal advice will enable you to secure your rights…..

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Posted: 4-15-2018

minimize attorney's fees in a divorce

minimizar los honorarios de abogado en un divorcio

child support in Texas

Can I Lower My Child Support in Texas?

When a couples separate, they must make a plan to care for their child. They decide where the child will live and how the child’s time will be divided between the two households. It’s common …

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Posted: 10-9-2017

reducir la manutención de sus hijos en Texas

Self-Employed Fathers

Deshacerse de la manutención de menores en Texas

¿Cómo me Deshago de la Manutención de Menores en Texas?

A nadie le gusta estar en deuda, y estar atrasado en la manutención de niños en Texas puede ser particularmente grave. Esto se debe a que el estado puede tomar medidas para cobrar la manutención infantil en Texas, lo que puede incluir tomar cheques de pago y confiscar el dinero en cuentas bancarias.

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Posted: 9-16-2017

Rid of Back Child Support in Texas

How Do I Get Rid of Back Child Support in Texas?

No one likes to be in debt, and being behind on child support in Texas can be particularly serious. That’s because the state can take steps to collect back child support in Texas that may include taking paychecks and seizing the money in bank accounts.

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Posted: 9-16-2017

Child Support Arrearage

How Fathers in Texas Can Get Rid of Their Child Support Arrearage

Many fathers in Texas fall behind in their child support payments at one point or another. This can be stressful for everyone. Fortunately, solutions are available. By being upfront about the difficulty and dealing with it head-on, it is possible to keep relationships intact.   Furthermore, to also avoid the most damaging legal problems.

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Posted: 7-25-2017

Fin de la manutención infantil en Texas

¿Cuándo Termina la Manutención Infantil en Texas?

La mayoría de los padres están felices de asumir la responsabilidad de apoyar a sus hijos. Sin embargo, la carga es costosa, lo que lleva a los padres a preguntarse: “¿Cuándo termina la manutención infantil en Texas?”

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Posted: 7-23-2017

Child Support End in Texas

When Does Child Support End in Texas?

Most parents are happy to take on the responsibility of supporting their children. However, the burden is an expensive one, which leads parents to wonder, “When does child support end in Texas?”

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Posted: 7-23-2017

Child support in Texas

Child support in Texas

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Fathers Rights Initiative
can be contacted by
phone or text at 214-238-9200
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