Should I Get A Divorce?
Believe you're heading for divorce you must understand the legal issues in divorce. Uncertain where to turn? If you think a divorce is on your horizon you may want to seek legal advice to fully understand all the legal issues in divorce. Good legal advice will enable you to secure your rights and understand how your actions impact that final outcome in court. In addition, you may be able to come to an agreed arrangement outside of the courtroom leading to an uncontested divorce.
Divorce in Texas
Divorce is legally viewed as the erosion of a marriage. It also is the termination of any and all of the legal duties of the marriage. When your divorce is final, you will separate financial and legal connection of your life with your spouse except for those matters including your children. In the final divorce decree, there may be additional lasting requirements such as financial support for your spouse. This will depend on the statute and each couple's financial circumstances.
If you and your spouse have children, the custody of the children, child support, and visitation will need to be addressed in the final divorce decree. These issues have a long-term impact on the fathers life. It is important that the issued involving the couple's children and handled carefully and thoughtfully so that parents are able to continue to co-parent their children. Healthy co-parenting is in the best interest of the child.
In Texas, you must be a resident of Texas for at least 6 months prior to filing for divorce. Divorces are filed in the county where one of the spouses live. Even if your spouse lives out of the state as long as you have lived in Texas for at least 6 months you may file for divorce in Texas. If your wife is pregnant a Texas court will not grant a divorce until after the child is born.
Things to Consider When Divorcing
Although it probably feels exceptionally emotional to you, the court sees divorce as dissolving a contract. The court will seek to resolve the contract in a fair and equitable way where the two parties can terminate their legal and financial connection to each other.
It is important that you put your emotions aside and carefully consider who you want debts and assets handled. Improperly addressing these issues may have a negative impact on your future financial well-being.
If you are ordered or wish to seek mediation it is important to determine what you want, what you are willing to compromise on, and what you feel the court is likely to grant you. Doing a little homework ahead of the mediation may improve your chance of coming to an agreement with your spouse. Remember in a divorce it is rare that either party gets everything they want.
One of the easiest ways to save time and cash is to reach an agreement that you can live with between you and your spouse. If you reach an agreement you may be able to seek an uncontested divorce which typically involves having your legal documents review and signed by the judge. Even divorces with children can be negotiated outside of court and result in an agreed settlement saving thousands of dollars.
Getting Legal Assistance
Whenever considering divorce it is important to seek legal advice. Good legal advice can ensure that you have addressed all financial matters and matters involving the children in your legal documents. Remember your final divorce decree is typically final with the exception of child custody and visitation which can continually be readdressed as the child grow.
Fathers Rights can provide you with valuable assistance. There is no need to spend thousands of dollars to get sound legal advice to help you through your divorce. Call or text today.
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