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What Are Fathers Rights Before Birth and Abortion in Texas?

Before your child is born, you have parental rights. Unfortunately, they may be limited, especially with regard to abortion in Texas. The more you know about fathers’ rights before birth and abortion, the better able you will be to defend those rights.

What Are Fathers’ Rights Before Birth and Abortion in Texas?

Before your child is born, you have parental rights. Unfortunately, they may be limited, especially with regard to abortion in Texas. The more you know about fathers rights before birth and abortion, the better able you will be to defend those rights.  For more information, check out the Texas law statutes about abortion here.

Fathers and mothers enjoy many of the same rights. This is especially true when the parents are married.  This is because Texas law assumes that the husband is the child’s biological father. If the parents are not married and the couple agrees that the man is the biological father of the child, then it’s easy to put his name on the birth certificate.  Also, this makes him the child’s legal father. In cases where the woman does not agree that the man is the child’s biological father, it may be necessary to go to court. Furthermore, DNA tests may need to be performed in order to be named the child’s legal father.

When you are the legal father of a child, you are given certain rights and responsibilities. For example, you can have input and help to make decisions regarding the care and upbringing of your child. You can share in choosing a school, oversee a religious education and make choices regarding the child’s health care.

What about fathers rights before birth and abortion? Before your child is born, your choices are more limited. Abortion in Texas is legal.  Furthermore, the father does not have to agree or consent to the operation for it to take place. This means that the mother can decide for herself whether or not to end a pregnancy.

Ultimately, it is the mother’s decision if she chooses to have an abortion or not.  Fathers do not have the power to stop an abortion.  Furthermore, legally a mother does not have to inform the father when she decides to have an abortion.

Get a Better Understanding of Fathers’ Rights Before Birth

If you and your spouse are divorcing while she is pregnant, then you may still have rights as a father. It may be vital to get legal assistance to help you maintain your rights as a father throughout the pregnancy and after the birth. The mother may try to restrict your access, but remember that you have rights. Unless she has a court order that legally prevents you from participating in the pregnancy, you can stay informed regarding the health of your child.  Get help today by texting or calling.


Fathers Rights
Tags: AbortionFather's Rights Before AbortionFather's Rights Before BirthFathers RightsFathers Rights in TexasUnborn Child