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Parental Rights

Derechos de los Padres

Fathers Respond to Parental Alienation

Fathers often suffer from Parental Alienation that is a result of the mother bombarding the…

6 years ago

Parental Alienation Syndrome, How to Cope

Fathers frequently face the issue of coping with parental alienation.  We hear from fathers in…

7 years ago

¿Terminar Mis Derechos de Paternidad Termina la Manutención Infantil en Texas?

Durante varios años, parece que ha habido muchos malentendidos entre los padres acerca de cómo…

7 years ago

Does Terminating My Parental Rights Terminate Child Support in Texas?

For several years, it seems like there have been many misunderstandings among fathers about how…

7 years ago

Remove Gender Bias to Level The Playing Field for Fathers

Often fathers are at a disadvantage in the courts because of gender bias.  It is…

7 years ago

How Fathers can Prepare for Divorce in Texas

To prepare for divorce in Texas there are several different types of documents you should…

7 years ago

What Are My Parental Rights in Texas?

Parenting is regarded as one of the toughest jobs in the world. That is doubly…

8 years ago