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Fathers Rights

Derechos de los Padres

Divorce Lawyer

What you need to know when looking for a divorce lawyer.

1 year ago

Divorce Information for Fathers

Fathers faced with divorce need to get the right divorce information for fathers. It is…

2 years ago

Child Support in Texas

If you are getting divorced or separating from your partner, you will have to determine…

3 years ago

Child Support Information For Fathers

If you are getting divorced or separating from your partner, you will have to determine…

3 years ago

Child Custody Rights for Fathers

If you are getting divorced or separating from your partner, you will have to determine…

3 years ago

Unemployed and Can’t Pay My Child Support | COVID-19

Many non-custodial parents have found themselves either with reduced hours, laid off or completely unemployed.

5 years ago

Fathers Respond to Parental Alienation

Fathers often suffer from Parental Alienation that is a result of the mother bombarding the…

6 years ago

La Custodia del Padre y los Derechos de Visita

Muchos piensan que las visitas de los niños y la custodia de los hijos giran…

6 years ago

Parental Alienation Syndrome, How to Cope

Fathers frequently face the issue of coping with parental alienation.  We hear from fathers in…

7 years ago

Fathers Custody and Visitation Rights

Many think that child visitation and child custody revolve around the rights of the mother…

7 years ago

Child Custody Pro Bono Lawyer or Legal Assistance

When a father is involved in a custody dispute, access to affordable legal assistance or…

7 years ago

What Are Fathers Rights And How To Protect Yours

Given the high rate of separated or unwed male parents who desire direct involvement in…

7 years ago

¿Qué Esperar de un Abogado Pro Bono?

¿Cuántos padres enfrentan situaciones legales difíciles y no están seguros de a quién recurrir? Un…

7 years ago

Abogado Pro Bono de Custodia de Menores o Asistencia Legal

Cuando un padre está involucrado en una disputa de custodia, el acceso a asistencia legal…

7 years ago

¿Qué son los Derechos de los Padres y Cómo Proteger los Tuyos?

Dado el alto índice de padres varones separados o solteros que desean una participación directa…

7 years ago

What To Expect From Pro Bono Lawyer?

Many fathers facing difficult legal situations and unsure where to turn for help? A father…

7 years ago

Houston Fathers Rights Attorneys Can Help

If you are a Houston father who is struggling with getting partial or full custody…

7 years ago

Los Abogados Defensores de los Derechos de los Padres de Houston Pueden Ayudar

Si usted es un padre de Houston que está luchando para obtener la custodia total…

7 years ago

¿Qué Pasa si mi Esposa Tuvo un Hijo con Otro Hombre?

Si no hace nada, usted es legalmente responsable del niño si su esposa tuvo un…

7 years ago

What if My Wife had Child with Another Man?

If you do nothing, you are legally responsible for the child if your wife had…

7 years ago

When Do Dads Get Visitation in Texas During the Holidays?

Are you a father in Texas who is wondering about the visitation schedule during the…

7 years ago

What Can I Do If I Learn I’m Not the Biological Father of My Child?

What do you do when you find out that the child you've been supporting isn't…

7 years ago

¿Qué Puedo Hacer Si Aprendo Que No Soy El Padre Biológico De Mi Hijo?

¿Qué haces cuando descubres que el niño que has estado apoyando no es realmente tuyo?…

7 years ago

Parental Alienation is Real and Serious, Recognize the Symptoms

Children want a good relationship with both of their parents. That's especially true during and…

7 years ago

La Alienación Parental es Real y Seria, Reconoce los Síntomas

Los niños quieren una buena relación con sus dos padres. Eso es especialmente cierto durante…

7 years ago

Fathers in Texas Can Minimize Attorney’s Fees in Divorce

Divorce can be expensive. This is especially true for father's in Texas who are trying…

7 years ago

Los Padres en Texas Pueden Minimizar los Honorarios del Abogado en un Divorcio

El divorcio puede ser costoso. Esto es especialmente cierto para los padres en Texas que…

7 years ago

Cómo los Padres que Trabajan por su Cuenta Pueden Reducir la Manutención de los Hijos en Texas

Demasiados padres que trabajan por cuenta propia se quedan atrapados pagando demasiada pensión alimenticia. Sepa…

7 years ago

How Self-Employed Fathers Can Lower Child Support in Texas

Too many self-employed dads get stuck paying too much child support. Know what to do…

7 years ago

Aprenda Más Sobre el Movimiento por los Derechos de los Padres

En una nación donde a menudo se considera que los derechos de las madres se…

7 years ago

Learn More About the Fathers Rights Movement

In a nation where it often feels like the rights of mothers are considered more…

7 years ago

What is the Legal Significance of Paternity in Texas?

When a child is born to married parents, the law automatically assumes that the husband…

7 years ago

¿Terminar Mis Derechos de Paternidad Termina la Manutención Infantil en Texas?

Durante varios años, parece que ha habido muchos malentendidos entre los padres acerca de cómo…

7 years ago

Does Terminating My Parental Rights Terminate Child Support in Texas?

For several years, it seems like there have been many misunderstandings among fathers about how…

7 years ago

¿Cuáles son los Derechos de Adopción de los Padres Solteros en Texas?

Para los padres solteros en Texas, es realmente importante establecer la paternidad lo más temprano…

7 years ago

What Are the Adoption Rights of Unmarried Fathers in Texas

For unmarried fathers in Texas, it is really important to establish paternity as early as…

7 years ago

¿Cuáles son los Derechos de los Padres Antes del Nacimiento y el Aborto en Texas?

Antes de que nazca su hijo, usted tiene los derechos de los padres. Desafortunadamente, pueden…

7 years ago

What Are Fathers Rights Before Birth and Abortion in Texas?

Before your child is born, you have parental rights. Unfortunately, they may be limited, especially…

7 years ago

Los Padres en Texas Deberían Saber Sobre el Síndrome de la Madre Malévola

Algunas separaciones y divorcios son amistosos, y los ex cónyuges se llevan lo suficientemente bien…

7 years ago

Fathers in Texas Should Know About Malicious Mother Syndrome

Some separations and divorces are amicable, with the ex-spouses getting along well enough to continue…

7 years ago

¿Cuáles son los Derechos del Padre sobre los Registros Escolares en Texas?

Como padre, usted tiene plenos derechos para su hijo, incluido el derecho de acceder y…

7 years ago

What Are Father’s Rights to School Records in Texas?

As a father, you have full rights to your child, including the right to access…

7 years ago

¿Cuándo Termina la Manutención Infantil en Texas?

La mayoría de los padres están felices de asumir la responsabilidad de apoyar a sus…

7 years ago

When Does Child Support End in Texas?

Most parents are happy to take on the responsibility of supporting their children. However, the…

7 years ago

Los Padres Pueden Luchar Más que las Madres para Equilibrar el Trabajo y la Vida Familiar

Los padres tienen el desafío de encontrar una manera de equilibrar el trabajo y la…

7 years ago

Fathers May Struggle More than Mothers to Balance Work and Family Life

Fathers are challenged to find a way to balance both work and family life.   Fatherhood…

7 years ago

Remove Gender Bias to Level The Playing Field for Fathers

Often fathers are at a disadvantage in the courts because of gender bias.  It is…

7 years ago

Cómo pueden los Padres Prepararse para el Divorcio en Texas

To prepare for divorce in Texas there are several different types of documents you should…

7 years ago

How Fathers can Prepare for Divorce in Texas

To prepare for divorce in Texas there are several different types of documents you should…

7 years ago

Texas Adjudicate Parentage Proceedings Can Determine If an Individual Is Child’s Parent

Usually, it is pretty clear who a child's parents are - but not always. Sometimes,…

7 years ago

Los Procedimientos de Paternidad de Adjudicación de Texas Pueden Determinar si una Persona es Padre de un Niño

Usually, it is pretty clear who a child's parents are - but not always. Sometimes,…

7 years ago

Understanding Fathers Rights in Texas

If you are ending a relationship with a woman with whom you have had a…

8 years ago

Texas Adjudicate Parentage Proceedings

Usually, it is pretty clear who a child's parents are - but not always. Sometimes,…

8 years ago

Fatherhood in the Modern Family

The number of American families without fathers in the household has grown 10.3 percent between…

8 years ago

La Paternidad en la Familia Moderna

The number of American families without fathers in the household has grown 10.3 percent between…

8 years ago