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Topic – Fathers for Equal Rights

Fathers for Equal Rights

Fathers for Equal Rights is a term used to describe a movement. People often associate Parental Responsibility and Non-Custodial Parental Rights with Fathers Rights. The Fathers for Equal Rights movement seeks to give fathers equal parental rights and equal custody to mothers after divorce or separation. Fathers Rights often refer to the rights fathers have to their children after divorce or separation. These rights are associated with parenting time or the time that the father has the child in their possession. 

Fathers Rights involve a lot more than parenting time. It includes such things as the right to:

Too often fathers are not involved in their children’s lives, whether through court order voluntary abandonment of the relationship. Historically, fathers believe their treatment is unequal to mothers regarding custody of their children after divorce or separation. This meant the mother (female parent) seemed tasked with raising the children. The father (male parent) was tasked to earn income and provide money to the mother.

Fathers Rights

Over and over again studies show that children need both parents. All too often fathers choose to neglect their responsibility to parent their children. There are always various initiatives or movements that are pursuing equal rights for fathers.  Why should fathers settle for equal rights to mothers?  Can fathers be awarded more rights than mothers?

Family Law Statutes in most states are written gender-neutral. Men and women are treated equally as parents in the written Texas Family Code.  It’s not the laws that need to change, it’s people’s actions.  Don’t listen to attorneys that tell you that you will never get managing conservatorship of your children. Believe you can parent your children and seek an attorney or service that will help you express that to the court.

First, quit complaining. We know that would harsh. Take advantage of your parenting time and focus on it. Step up and be a father to your children. If you desire more parenting time seek it. Don’t complain to the court. Tell the judge how you improve the life of your child. Explain how you engaging in parenting.

Fathers have rights and need to exercise those rights. Don’t listen to the nonsense many attorneys spew about fathers not winning custody over the female parent. Gender bias jas no place in your attorney’s approach to your case. Stop assuming that the male parent always loses in family court. As a father stand up for your rights. More importantly, stand up for your children.

Finding the Right Help

This website is run by one of the premier Fathers Rights organizations in the nation, America Family Law Center. With over 25 years of experience, we are committed to fathers and their children.

Please remember that this article is for information purposes only and is not intended to be or substitute for legal advice.  Please contact Fathers for Equal Rights and consult with an attorney there or elsewhere for legal advice.