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Divorce Information for Fathers

Divorce and Fathers

Fathers faced with divorce need to get the right divorce information for fathers. It is important to understand how your relationship with your child may change after divorce.

Often fathers are told that they must give custody to the mother because that is how things are done. In Texas, fathers have equal rights to mothers. Therefore a father can be the custodial parent.

Social study after social study shows that children need to have two active parents to have the best outcomes.

Child Custody and Divorce Information for Fathers

Much of the internet divorce information for fathers is not well-researched. Child custody is one of the areas frot with misinformation. Fathers must have accurate and reliable information so they can make the best decisions for their situation.

Frequently, fathers fail to seek primary custody because they are told that they will not win. Fathers Rights Initiative have helped hundreds of father get custody of their children. You will never get what you don’t ask for.

Child Support and Divorce Information for Fathers

In Texas, child support is established and collected by the Office of the Attorney General (OAG). The Office of the Attorney General has an online child support calculator. The divorce information for fathers that many don’t know is Texas law provides factors that applied either increase or decrease child support.

It is important to understand that child support is based on the income of the non-custodial parents. Often this is the father. Self-employed fathers need to understand the difference between their gross income and their net income for their business. Child support is based on wages of the net income of the business that is available to the father to provide support to the child.


In conclusion, if you need more information on divorce, child custody, and child support contact us for assistance. We help thousands of fathers every year to make sure they have the right divorce information for fathers.

Tags: Child CustodyCustody RightsDivorceFathers Rights