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Fathers faced with divorce need to get the right divorce information for fathers. It is…
If you are getting divorced or separating from your partner, you will have to determine…
If you are getting divorced or separating from your partner, you will have to determine…
If you are getting divorced or separating from your partner, you will have to determine…
Many Fathers are wondering if they will get a stimulus check because they owe back…
Many Fathers are wondering if they will get a stimulus check because they owe back…
Many non-custodial parents have found themselves either with reduced hours, laid off or completely unemployed.
Fathers often suffer from Parental Alienation that is a result of the mother bombarding the…
Currently under a restraining order or protective order? Understand what happened if you break that…
Believe you're heading for divorce you must understand the legal issues in divorce. Good legal advice…
Fathers frequently face the issue of coping with parental alienation. We hear from fathers in…
Many think that child visitation and child custody revolve around the rights of the mother…
When a father is involved in a custody dispute, access to affordable legal assistance or…
Given the high rate of separated or unwed male parents who desire direct involvement in…
Many fathers facing difficult legal situations and unsure where to turn for help? A father…
If you are a Houston father who is struggling with getting partial or full custody…
It is very important to realize the severity of a protective order in Texas. A…
If you do nothing, you are legally responsible for the child if your wife had…
Are you a father in Texas who is wondering about the visitation schedule during the…
What do you do when you find out that the child you've been supporting isn't…
If you're served a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) in Texas, don't panic. Once you understand…
Children want a good relationship with both of their parents. That's especially true during and…
Divorce can be expensive. This is especially true for father's in Texas who are trying…
When a couples separate, they must make a plan to care for their child. They…
Too many self-employed dads get stuck paying too much child support. Know what to do…
In a nation where it often feels like the rights of mothers are considered more…
When a child is born to married parents, the law automatically assumes that the husband…
No one likes to be in debt, and being behind on child support in Texas…
For several years, it seems like there have been many misunderstandings among fathers about how…
For unmarried fathers in Texas, it is really important to establish paternity as early as…
Before your child is born, you have parental rights. Unfortunately, they may be limited, especially…
Some separations and divorces are amicable, with the ex-spouses getting along well enough to continue…
As a father, you have full rights to your child, including the right to access…
Many fathers in Texas fall behind in their child support payments at one point or…
Most parents are happy to take on the responsibility of supporting their children. However, the…
Job changes don’t always mean an increase in pay. How Do I Get My Child…
Fathers are challenged to find a way to balance both work and family life. Fatherhood…
Often fathers are at a disadvantage in the courts because of gender bias. It is…
To prepare for divorce in Texas there are several different types of documents you should…
Parents are fortunate in Texas because the courts strive to enable them to remain active…
Usually, it is pretty clear who a child's parents are - but not always. Sometimes,…
If you are ending a relationship with a woman with whom you have had a…
Parenting is regarded as one of the toughest jobs in the world. That is doubly…
Usually, it is pretty clear who a child's parents are - but not always. Sometimes,…
The number of American families without fathers in the household has grown 10.3 percent between…
Being deported is scary, but if you have children it can be even scarier. Advanced…